Fatty —
Futuropolis, 2021
22 x 29,7 cm, 208 páginas, cartoné22 x 29,7 cm, 208 pages, soft cover
Escrito por Julien Frey
Written by Julien Frey

Los Ángeles. Septiembre de 1921. El actor y director Roscoe Arbuckle, alias “Fatty”, está en la cima de su gloria. Más conocido que Charlie Chaplin y Buster Keaton juntos, es el primer actor en ganar un millón de dólares al año. Sin embargo, las mentes puritanas de Estados Unidos desean moralizar Hollywood y ven con sumo desagrado la vida libertina de Roscoe.
De un día para otro, la fiesta que organiza se convierte en un drama y Fatty se sumerge en el primer escándalo mayúsculo de la gran fábrica de sueños... Los estudios de cine, las ligas por la virtud, los tabloides, el país entero, en definitiva, se unen contra él. Pero Roscoe siempre podrá contar con su amigo Buster Keaton.
Los Angeles. September 1921. Actor-director Roscoe Arbuckle, aka “Fatty,” is at the height of his glory. Better known than Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton combined, he is the first actor to earn a million dollars a year. However, America's puritanical minds wish to moralize Hollywood and view Roscoe's debauched life with great distaste.
From one day to the next, the party he organizes turns into a drama and Fatty is immersed in the first major scandal of the great dream factory... The movie studios, the virtue leagues, the tabloids, the entire country In short, they unite against him. But Roscoe can always count on his friend Buster Keaton.
De un día para otro, la fiesta que organiza se convierte en un drama y Fatty se sumerge en el primer escándalo mayúsculo de la gran fábrica de sueños... Los estudios de cine, las ligas por la virtud, los tabloides, el país entero, en definitiva, se unen contra él. Pero Roscoe siempre podrá contar con su amigo Buster Keaton.
Los Angeles. September 1921. Actor-director Roscoe Arbuckle, aka “Fatty,” is at the height of his glory. Better known than Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton combined, he is the first actor to earn a million dollars a year. However, America's puritanical minds wish to moralize Hollywood and view Roscoe's debauched life with great distaste.
From one day to the next, the party he organizes turns into a drama and Fatty is immersed in the first major scandal of the great dream factory... The movie studios, the virtue leagues, the tabloids, the entire country In short, they unite against him. But Roscoe can always count on his friend Buster Keaton.

«Una apasionante inmersión en los inicios del cine mudo. Nadar y Frey saben mostrar con acierto a un Fatty tanto a la altura de sus éxitos como de su lado oscuro. Un nuevo éxito para una pareja creativa que no cesa de arrojar luz sobre los olvidados de la Historia y las sombras del pasado».
“An exciting immersion in the beginnings of silent cinema. Nadar and Frey know how to correctly show a Fatty both at the height of his successes and his dark side. A new success for a creative couple that never ceases to shed light on those forgotten by History and the shadows of the past.”
Philippe Lebas
Actua BD
“An exciting immersion in the beginnings of silent cinema. Nadar and Frey know how to correctly show a Fatty both at the height of his successes and his dark side. A new success for a creative couple that never ceases to shed light on those forgotten by History and the shadows of the past.”
Philippe Lebas
Actua BD
«Nadar hace suyo al personaje para moldearlo a su antojo y retratarlo de mil formas posibles. Inyectándose heroína, vestido de mujer, preparando un gag con su inseparable Keaton o pasando el mono en la cárcel. Nadar llena de luz y color una historia repleta de sombras».
“Nadar makes the character his own to mold him at will and portray him in a thousand possible ways. Injecting himself with heroin, dressed as a woman, preparing a gag with his inseparable Keaton or going all out in jail. Swimming full of light and color a story full of shadows.”
Sergio Fernández
Zona Negativa
“Nadar makes the character his own to mold him at will and portray him in a thousand possible ways. Injecting himself with heroin, dressed as a woman, preparing a gag with his inseparable Keaton or going all out in jail. Swimming full of light and color a story full of shadows.”
Sergio Fernández
Zona Negativa