Les Sauvages —
Futuropolis, 2023
20 x 27,2 cm, 152 páginas, cartoné20 x 27,2 cm, 152 pages, soft cover
Escrito por Julien Frey
Written by Julien Frey
Febrero de 2020. Julien y su hija Joanne son invitados a Indonesia por el profesor Michaux, eminente biólogo de la Universidad de Lieja. Desde elefantes de Sumatra hasta dragones de Komodo, la nueva misión del investigador es una oportunidad para descubrir la extraordinaria biodiversidad del archipiélago. Pero esto está bajo amenaza. Deforestación, producción de aceite de palma, caza furtiva... Los peligros son numerosos y adquieren una dimensión particular cuando estalla la pandemia del Covid 19 en pleno viaje.
Un documental científico así como una historia íntima sobre la relación padre-hija, Les Sauvages es un libro fascinante, instructivo y divertido. Un libro que plantea la cuestión esencial de nuestra relación con el mundo animal.
February 2020. Julien and his daughter Joanne are invited to Indonesia by Professor Michaux, an eminent biologist at the University of Liège. From Sumatran elephants to Komodo dragons, the researcher's new mission is an opportunity to discover the extraordinary biodiversity of the archipelago. But this is under threat. Deforestation, palm oil production, poaching... The dangers are numerous and take on a particular dimension when the Covid 19 pandemic breaks out while traveling.
A science documentary as well as an intimate story about the father-daughter relationship, Les Sauvages is a fascinating, instructive, and fun book. A book that raises the essential question of our relationship with the animal world..
Un documental científico así como una historia íntima sobre la relación padre-hija, Les Sauvages es un libro fascinante, instructivo y divertido. Un libro que plantea la cuestión esencial de nuestra relación con el mundo animal.
February 2020. Julien and his daughter Joanne are invited to Indonesia by Professor Michaux, an eminent biologist at the University of Liège. From Sumatran elephants to Komodo dragons, the researcher's new mission is an opportunity to discover the extraordinary biodiversity of the archipelago. But this is under threat. Deforestation, palm oil production, poaching... The dangers are numerous and take on a particular dimension when the Covid 19 pandemic breaks out while traveling.
A science documentary as well as an intimate story about the father-daughter relationship, Les Sauvages is a fascinating, instructive, and fun book. A book that raises the essential question of our relationship with the animal world..
«Hermosa obra, humanista y animalista, este álbum es también un bello relato de filiación, perfectamente servido por el dibujo y la delicadeza de colores de Nadar».
“A beautiful humanist and animalist work, this album is also a beautiful tale of filiation, perfectly served by Nadar's drawing and gentle colors.”
Philippe Lebas
Actua BD
“A beautiful humanist and animalist work, this album is also a beautiful tale of filiation, perfectly served by Nadar's drawing and gentle colors.”
Philippe Lebas
Actua BD
«Un bonito viaje iniciático, con la pertinencia y precisión de las sencillas palabras de una adolescente, las didácticas explicaciones (sin aburrir) de los especialistas sobre nuestra biodiversidad en perdición y la mirada chispeante de un papá».
"A beautiful journey of initiation, with the pertinence and precision of the simple words of a teenager, the didactic (without boring) explanations of specialists about our biodiversity in perdition and the sparkling gaze of a father."
Yoann Debiais
"A beautiful journey of initiation, with the pertinence and precision of the simple words of a teenager, the didactic (without boring) explanations of specialists about our biodiversity in perdition and the sparkling gaze of a father."
Yoann Debiais