Salud! — Futuropolis, 2017
21,5 x 29 cm, 112 páginas, cartoné21,5 x 29 cm, 112 pages, hardcover
Escrito por Philippe Thirault
Written by Philippe Thirault

España, 1975. Franco agoniza, pero su régimen todavía es feroz. Llegado desde Francia, Antoine abre un exitoso restaurante en el centro de A Coruña, donde descubrirá la violencia policial y los intrincados tentáculos de la dictadura, capaces de poner en riesgo su vida. El cóctel de dinero y alcohol termina por hacerle entrar en una espiral de complicada solución...
Basada en una historia real, ¡Salud! se mueve por los estertores de la España franquista a través de la mirada de un individuo que se quiere comer el mundo y acaba revelándose con marcados trastornos de personalidad provocados por su adicción al alcohol.
Spain, 1975. Franco dies, but his regime is still fierce. Arrived from France, Antoine opens a successful restaurant in the center of A Coruña, where he will discover the police violence and the intricate tentacles of the dictatorship, capable of putting his life at risk. The cocktail of money and alcohol ends up making you enter a spiral of complicated solution...
Based on a true story, Salud! moves through the death throes of Franco's Spain through the eyes of an individual who wants to eat the world and ends up revealing himself with marked personality disorders caused by his addiction to alcohol.
Premio selección ADAGP / Festival Quai des Bulles 2017
Basada en una historia real, ¡Salud! se mueve por los estertores de la España franquista a través de la mirada de un individuo que se quiere comer el mundo y acaba revelándose con marcados trastornos de personalidad provocados por su adicción al alcohol.
Spain, 1975. Franco dies, but his regime is still fierce. Arrived from France, Antoine opens a successful restaurant in the center of A Coruña, where he will discover the police violence and the intricate tentacles of the dictatorship, capable of putting his life at risk. The cocktail of money and alcohol ends up making you enter a spiral of complicated solution...
Based on a true story, Salud! moves through the death throes of Franco's Spain through the eyes of an individual who wants to eat the world and ends up revealing himself with marked personality disorders caused by his addiction to alcohol.
Premio selección ADAGP / Festival Quai des Bulles 2017
ADAGP Selection Prize / Festival Quai des Bulles 2017

«El dibujo, muy de los años 70, realizado con una maestría extraordinaria por parte del talentoso dibujante español Nadar, contribuye al clima de angustia que recrea esta muy buena novela gráfica».
"The drawing, very from the 70s, made with an extraordinary mastery by the talented Spanish artist Nadar, contributes to the climate of anguish that recreates this very good graphic novel.”
Elise Rillard
Planète BD
"The drawing, very from the 70s, made with an extraordinary mastery by the talented Spanish artist Nadar, contributes to the climate of anguish that recreates this very good graphic novel.”
Elise Rillard
Planète BD
«Al tiempo que describen un destino patético en forma de brillante relato novelesco, los autores deslizan observaciones sociales relevantes: la familia, siempre presente, la política (terrible policía franquista), pero también los riesgos del pequeño comercio. A recomendar sin reservas».
"While describing a pathetic destiny in the form of a brilliant fictional story, the authors slip relevant social observations: the family, always present, politics (terrible Francoist police), but also the risks of small businesses. To recommend without reservations."
David Taugis
Actua BD
"While describing a pathetic destiny in the form of a brilliant fictional story, the authors slip relevant social observations: the family, always present, politics (terrible Francoist police), but also the risks of small businesses. To recommend without reservations."
David Taugis
Actua BD